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So our days are jam-packed now pretty much 24 x 7. Megan is into the throws of Kindergarten and homework.  Yeah, homework.  They don’t mess around too much around here.  They know what it takes to build a good educated Democrat here in California – that’s blue state humor.  Well, all in all, Megan’s activities are under control and structured and doesn’t really take up too much time out of the day. The other 20 hours of the day are taken up by housework, work work, and taking care of Julian.  He is growing rather quickly into a happy joyful little baby boy and we are grateful.

But I have been meaning to update this page and the longer I look at it, the longer it seems to remain unchanged – although life is moving at 500 miles per hour.

Instead, let me throw up a couple of things that I’ve been meaning to post for a while.  The first is a song that I’ve helped a friend record.  Although he mentions that he’s not too happy with it, I and everyone else who has heard it, is pretty satisfied.  Keep in mind that the song is in Chinese.  (He also sings in English too and does a mean Josh Groban.)  This song is originally by Jackie Cheung and the name of the song is “Love is Forever”.

Check it out: Eddy Wong – Love is Forever

The second item I’d like to paste up here is an awkward video that I created about a year ago on an online karaoke site.  I had a lot of fun with the webcam where I shot the video twice (the first time while playing an air-broom guitar).  The second time while screaming my head off into a mic.  And of course, I’m not to happy with the quality of the lyric, I am happy about the entertainment value it provides.  I always thought I was going to progress things to having a blue screen after this, but it just never came about.  Enjoy:

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