But I have been meaning to update this page and the longer I look at it, the longer it seems to remain unchanged – although life is moving at 500 miles per hour.
Instead, let me throw up a couple of things that I’ve been meaning to post for a while. The first is a song that I’ve helped a friend record. Although he mentions that he’s not too happy with it, I and everyone else who has heard it, is pretty satisfied. Keep in mind that the song is in Chinese. (He also sings in English too and does a mean Josh Groban.) This song is originally by Jackie Cheung and the name of the song is “Love is Forever”.
Check it out: Eddy Wong – Love is Forever
The second item I’d like to paste up here is an awkward video that I created about a year ago on an online karaoke site. I had a lot of fun with the webcam where I shot the video twice (the first time while playing an air-broom guitar). The second time while screaming my head off into a mic. And of course, I’m not to happy with the quality of the lyric, I am happy about the entertainment value it provides. I always thought I was going to progress things to having a blue screen after this, but it just never came about. Enjoy:
That Eddy dude is awesome man! Is he a pro? If not (yet), he should be.
Incredible.. rockin man!
This is fantastic.
I love, love your twin brother in the background! He’s super sexy!!