Pandemic Timings

Pandemic Timings


As I was progressing through my nightly routine, I realized I’ve started coming up close to completing my second bottle of Listerine – these huge bulk sized jugs that we get only a couple of times a year from Costco. Of course, this makes me reflect on where all the time has gone. As though “quarantining” meant that we were just frozen here for a few moments until this all passes over. Oddly enough, those few moments has now progressed to most of the year. And with that, some significant things have occurred during this time. Some good stuff… and some not so good stuff. But no one is going to argue that things now have forever changed, in one form or another.

Just thinking out loud.

Oct 26, 2020 No Comments
“Please Ba.. if you can hear me…”

“Please Ba.. if you can hear me…”

Life Record

Please Ba.. if you can hear me… I know I only speak to you on Sunday nights now. Right before bed. I come to the altar, light an incense, and in my own strange mind, feel that we’re connected again, and you can hear me. …Just like you always told me, that I can always come talk to you if ever I needed to.

And I do. I do Ba. I miss you so much.

You left us back in March. I know you had to go. I wasn’t ready yet, but I don’t know if I ever would have been. I just didn’t realize you would have to go so quickly.

This year, 2020, such a remarkable year as on the calendar. But it has been so different, so difficult for many, for me too. The world is upside down and nothing seems to be going right. The pandemic thing – its so hard on everyone and the toughest part is not being able to see Ma and Sister — this disease, the hardest part is the loneliness.

I miss you and love you so very much Ba. Please, if you can hear me… your son.

Oct 12, 2020 No Comments

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