I’ll Be Right Back – New Video in 1 Week
I’ll Be Right Back – New Video in 1 Week
Short little silly video. I missed you guys as well. I’ll be uploading a new video next week..around this same time. See you then!
Short little silly video. I missed you guys as well. I’ll be uploading a new video next week..around this same time. See you then!
We wish you a very happy holidays! May this season be joyous for yourself and family.
Some upcoming Outrageous Thoughts stuff… Facebook, Website, ….and coming soon. iTunes! Thanks so much for watching and for your support.
Just created an Outrageous Thoughts Facebook Page and getting the word out there – I know. I know. Many people have been asking, and I have been meaning to, so …. tada! Here it is! http://www.facebook.com/OutrageousThoughts Won’t you be so kind as to come by and check it out? Please also say hi! Man, that would be so cool. You guys are awesome! -Peter
I want to just extend a warm thank you for all my subscribers, friends, commenters, favoriters, likers, thumb-upers. Youtube has such a great wealth of support. Its phenomenal. Keep those comments coming as I read each and every one of them – they do mean a lot to me and its very greatly appreciated. You guys are awesome! -Peter
Testing out the Canon EOS T2i (550D) camera and recording acoustic guitar through a condensor mic: – AKG Perception 200 – ART Tube MP Preamp – Presonus Firebox – Cubase LE4 – Canon EOS T2i (550D) – Canon EF Lens – 50 mm – F/1.8 (using F/7 in natural lighting) Music – I sort of winged it and its a little mashup of songs I’ve known over the years. I’m not sure if they are “technically correct”, but anyhow… I think its a mashup of some Led Zeppelin tunes of sorts.