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Time is just flying by – the older we get, the faster time seems to progress. Megan’s Preschool graduation was this past Friday and it only seems like yesterday when the good ‘ol doctor helped deliver her. Alright, I know. It was just Preschool, not like it was High School, or College, or something, but I’m sure like with a blink of the eye, that day too will come.

Well, for me, the day marked the first of many milestones that life is to bring. I’ve seen her blossom from a shy little non-social caterpillar to a young butterfly of a curious, happy, girl who loves to play and share things with her friends – a great start indeed. I am so proud of her. In addition to the graduation ceremony, Friday was the last day that she was going to be attending her Preschool. Come this Monday, she will be attending her Kindergarten’s summer program. Quite different from the rest of the students who were attending her Preschool, her local Kindergarten is located in a different location altogether. (Long story, but her Preschool is about 30 miles away). Although most of the students will be transitioning to their local schools, the chances of Megan meeting one of classmates in her new school is like getting one of those ping pong balls in a small fish bowl at the carnival.

I’ve had the conversations with her to help emotionally prepare her and it’s been easy – too easy as a matter of fact as she reiterates that she understands over and over again. But part of me knows that she doesn’t quite comprehend completely. I mean, how can she? She’s never yet been in a position of building relationships with so many peers only to have to switch over entirely the next day. Understandably, this is a part of life and only natural – one of life’s lessons they say.

And as a parent, I really have to say that it’s difficult to sit on the sidelines and just watch it happen, knowingly that when Monday night comes, she will be asking what happened to her friends and why she couldn’t play with them that day. And just keeping my fingers crossed that she likes her new environment, because this will just ease the transition.

Well, she has also made pretty good friends, like Penelope and Olivia, from her Preschool that we were fortunately enough to still keep in touch with – thanks to their social parents who we have been able to get together with often. If lifelong relationships sprout from these for Megan, we will be truly blessed. Everyone needs friends who’ve always known each other for as long as they remember. And also, there are those friends who we unfortunately haven’t gotten to know outside of school. One of these friends is named Malaysia. Malaysia was Megan’s classmate who she adored. There wasn’t a day that passed in the last few months that Megan hasn’t mentioned something about her.

And just relating from my own youthful experiences, Malaysia will probably fall into the group of friends that Megan will ponder about one day. She would wonder what ever happened to her. Where she is, what had happened in her life, how similar their lives had been even though they’ve been apart.

Today, Megan found this special list that she had put together with some pretty colored pencils. She has been meaning to give this to Malaysia as a present. In her soft voice, Megan innocently told me, “I will give this to her, Malaysia, tomorrow at school.” I paused and all I could do was to kneel down, nod, and tell her that she is a very good girl and a very good friend.

One day, Megan will be old enough to read this. And she may think her father is an over-sensitive dunce. But just in case she doesn’t, I want her to know that her friend’s name was Malaysia Bella, and the list that she wanted to share with her is right over there, in the picture to the left. Just in case Megan does want to look her up. Maybe she may find that her long lost friend is still very similar to her. Maybe she’ll find that her friend is very different. She’ll have the choice however – which is much more than a lot of others do have.

Alright, with Elizabeth’s suggestion, I reread this entry and it does seem a bit …err depressing.  Sounds like someone should be dipping more into the Prozac bottle or something.  Sorry, didn’t mean to make it sound like a downer.. Yes, graduations are very ceremonious times and honestly, it was a pretty much kick ass time .. just .. forgot .. to mention that earlier.. hehe 🙂

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