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Every year, usually a day or two prior to Valentine’s Day, I beat the mad rush and make my floral order at least one day in advance – like any good husband does, of course. The person on the phone usually isn’t rushed and usually takes their time and offers suggestions. I take a few moments, reflect, and imagine what the arrangement may look like sitting on top of a table. Is it too meek? Too overwhelming? You know.. like any good husband does. Well, after the visualization exercise, I plug in the good ‘ol credit card and away it goes.

This year is a little bit different… 

Today is February 14th and it’s early in the morning. I’ve already placed two calls to some local florists that I looked up using Google Maps and neither of them is answering their phones. Well, one is on eternal hold and the other just has a busy signal. Yeah, I’m sweating a little bit.

Ok. Ok.

The race is on. And I’ll be updating this entry in a little while to let you know it goes..

8:58AM – My first work meeting of the day is about to start.  I haven’t found a florist yet.  I have a couple of phone numbers.  No answer yet.  I don’t think they open until 9:00AM

9:19-ish AM – My initial meeting ended early.  I try calling again – florists are just not answering their phones.. Some of them use voice mail.  Like they’re really going to give me a call back (yeah, possibly tomorrow).  Still calm.. sorta.

10:15AM – No florist yet.  Have to hit Google Maps again for more picks.  I’m looking at my schedule and I’m in a few meetings today which will occupy my time fully.  Panic?  Me?  Maybe a little bit…

10:28AM – I am sooo screwed.  For the remainder of most of the day, until 3pm, I will be in back to back meetings.  If only the florists would pick up their phones.. If only I had time to call.  Yeah, time to panic.

12:38PM – I rock – so cool.  At the last minute, a few of my meetings got moved around presenting a gap in my schedule.  With lion-like swiftness, I did a fresh search in Google Maps and found a florist. Seemlessly, I called, they answered, they suggested, I accepted, credit card submitted.  Done. $147.89 – 3 orders. Elizabeth, Megan, and Grandma (who is staying with us). So seemless, like it was supposed to happen like this.  Let me reiterate.  I rock.

 7:00-ish PM – Elizabeth finally gets home (she had an exceptionally long day).  She sees the flowers.  She sees the little card.  She is delighted!  Score!  (I open up my guy-coupon book and put some kudo points in there – redeemable for up to 1 year.  Not like I really think this way y’know.  But oh yeah!  throwing hands in the air – whoop whoop!).  I’m da man.  I’m cool and I rock.

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