David Cook – Avalanche (Cover)

David Cook – Avalanche (Cover)

David Cook – Avalanche (Cover)

Happy Valentine’s Day to my dear Elizabeth. This song reminds me of you – just like on Dec 6th 1997 when I sat next to you on the Steamboat ride in New Orleans, I felt whole again.

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Peter Knight

You’ve stumbled onto my online journal, “Outrageous Thoughts of Babble”. I started this journal back in 1997 thus pre-dating terms such as “blogging,” which makes me feel secretively proud (snicker). Its purpose has always remained the same — to record life’s events as they happen – for they do happen quickly and fleetingly. Enjoy! 🙂

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Elton John – Daniel (Cover)

Elton John – Daniel (Cover)

Elton John – Daniel (Cover)

Cover of Elton John’s song Daniel. I’ve injected a introduction (go to 1:26 to skip) to the video as I found out recently what this song is about and I found it quite moving. Anyhow, debating whether to keep it or update it – everything sounds alright after so many takes, ya know. Enjoy and let me know what you think. 🙂

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About Us

Peter Knight

You’ve stumbled onto my online journal, “Outrageous Thoughts of Babble”. I started this journal back in 1997 thus pre-dating terms such as “blogging,” which makes me feel secretively proud (snicker). Its purpose has always remained the same — to record life’s events as they happen – for they do happen quickly and fleetingly. Enjoy! 🙂

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Led Zeppelin – Thank You (Cover)

Led Zeppelin – Thank You (Cover)

Led Zeppelin – Thank You (Cover)

Wanted to dedicate this song to my wife Elizabeth. She has always been the back-bone of support for our family and myself. She is my heart, my wife, and my best friend. Let me know what you think – please comment and rate! (I used to be a huge Led Zeppelin fan while growing up in Brooklyn. Being a straight-laced nerdy teen, I even snuck out to watch “The Song Remains the Same” at a midnight movie.) After listening this back, I’m not sure if it’s really closer to the Chris Cornell version, but it wasn’t on purpose. Enjoy and thanks for watching, Peter

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About Us

Peter Knight

You’ve stumbled onto my online journal, “Outrageous Thoughts of Babble”. I started this journal back in 1997 thus pre-dating terms such as “blogging,” which makes me feel secretively proud (snicker). Its purpose has always remained the same — to record life’s events as they happen – for they do happen quickly and fleetingly. Enjoy! 🙂

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Coldplay – Viva La Vida (Cover)

Coldplay – Viva La Vida (Cover)

Coldplay – Viva La Vida (Cover)

This is a cover for Coldplay’s Viva La Vida tune. It’s a little bit different.. And stick around for some bloopers at the end.

Squelch factor – I honestly can’t listen to this without squelching.  But hey, figured it’s neat to leave it up here to document where people were and how far they’ve come.  But oh man… squelch! 🙁


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About Us

Peter Knight

You’ve stumbled onto my online journal, “Outrageous Thoughts of Babble”. I started this journal back in 1997 thus pre-dating terms such as “blogging,” which makes me feel secretively proud (snicker). Its purpose has always remained the same — to record life’s events as they happen – for they do happen quickly and fleetingly. Enjoy! 🙂

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Megan Home Movie Preview

Megan Home Movie Preview

Megan Home Movie Preview

If you are somewhat similar to me, you probably have a bag of video tapes or photographs laying around that you’ve been meaning to get back to one day and make sense out of it. Besides our masterful categorization skills, months or even years later, you’ll read a label called “Thanksgiving 2002? and wonder what’s actually on it. Well, a little while ago, I was messing around with compiling a video and have been meaning to get back to as well, but it’s my little take on trying to make these left-over media memoirs a little bit interesting and maybe, just maybe, it’ll illicit a response that’s a little bit more than, “Oh, isn’t she cute.” It’ll probably be more like, “Oh, isn’t she cute.. What’s up with all the *suitcases*?” Yeah, most of the contents happens to be taken around all the time we were in our Nomad years – so for what it’s worth, there ya go. If you click on the play button below you’ll get to view a cool little Megan-centric flick. And just note, if you do leave a comment like ‘That’s just crazy – that’s 1 minute 26 seconds you’ll never get back’, I’ll reach out and kick your ass. Okay, well, have a nice day.

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About Us

Peter Knight

You’ve stumbled onto my online journal, “Outrageous Thoughts of Babble”. I started this journal back in 1997 thus pre-dating terms such as “blogging,” which makes me feel secretively proud (snicker). Its purpose has always remained the same — to record life’s events as they happen – for they do happen quickly and fleetingly. Enjoy! 🙂

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