Pandemic Timings

Pandemic Timings


As I was progressing through my nightly routine, I realized I’ve started coming up close to completing my second bottle of Listerine – these huge bulk sized jugs that we get only a couple of times a year from Costco. Of course, this makes me reflect on where all the time has gone. As though “quarantining” meant that we were just frozen here for a few moments until this all passes over. Oddly enough, those few moments has now progressed to most of the year. And with that, some significant things have occurred during this time. Some good stuff… and some not so good stuff. But no one is going to argue that things now have forever changed, in one form or another.

Just thinking out loud.

Oct 26, 2020 No Comments
Imaginary Tourist

Imaginary Tourist


So I’m surfing the net tonight and my mind just wanders.. I play imaginary tourist once in a while. Sometimes, Julian and I sit in front of the large computer monitor and ride the Six Flags roller coasters with point-of-view youtube videos and its great fun. This is sort of the same thing, but with a little more imagination… I wonder what its like to go visit some of these places.

I came across these pictures of India.. Just have to plan a visit.. Oh man..

Jan 26, 2017 No Comments

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