H o m e . A r c h i v e s . U p d a t e s . E x i t


4.12.99 "Hello," the voice replied back over the phone. The voice was all too familiar yet foreign in some sense being directed toward me, "This is Alicia. Alicia Silverstone."
     At first being slightly shocked and prepared I found myself at loss for words, "er…what can I do for you?"
     "I'm looking for a Peter… Peter Knight" she strained for the pronunciation of my last name, but finally got it right.
     "This is he."
     "I heard you have a web page-an online journal of sorts…and in one of the entries. Well, I'm included in one of the entries," her voice slightly aggravated and direct with a purpose. She continued to talk. I reached over to the computer and pulled up the page just to get a visual in case she started talking about the entry itself. There she was on my computer screen as her voice shot through the earpiece sounding inconsistently more direct, almost angry.
     Her face started morphing with a swirling effect changing colors from brown to blood red. I fumbled with the brightness and color controls of the monitor but they were left unchanged. Her voice lowered to a mumble resembling white noise. Attempting to grasp at me, her face suddenly protruded from the monitor with fangs dripping of blood and gurgling through her throat was the coarse-like mention of my name.

I woke suddenly. Slightly disoriented, I recognized the walls of the study. I had been napping. I rolled over to see if Elizabeth was nearby, but she was gone. Still gone. Reality crept back and it occurred to me that she were in New Orleans for the week; her spring break.

She was going to be away for the whole week-a whole week to myself. Hmm… let me think again. <snicker>

She left on Friday. I had talked to a friend earlier that day and I was going to supposedly hang out with him that night. It would a fun time. Something I haven't done in a while; a man's night out. Out on the town. The plans were unsure and unpredictable. There was no set time that we were going to meet.

I had to run a few errands earlier that night. I returned home around 8:30 and there was no message on the answering machine. I sat by the computer hammering out some needed updates for the Metajournals website. After a few more activities, the time read 10:05. It was apparent to me that Friday's man's night out was not going to occur.

Saturday night rolled around. A coworker had arranged to call me so were going to hang out. He knew that I was going to be alone for the week. He is a single guy and on the prowl. I was going to accompany him as a material witness. We were going to go clubbing, he said. It had been a while since I did that. I figured it would be an interesting journey.

9:30 rolled around and no phone call.

I had just woken from another nap. I threw on a pair of dark blue sweat pants and grimy sweater, looked at myself in the mirror and noticed the eighties hairstyle due to massive drooling and bed-head. Two thumbs up, I piled in the car and headed over to the local Blockbuster's.

I threw open the door and filed passed the welcoming metal detectors. There I was confronted with the mobs of people. The lines were full. And it seemed that for a split second, all action and sound stopped, everyone gazed at me and all my glory, and turned away again. I stumbled through the new releases twice over. I actually picked up the last tape of "Home Fries" starring Drew Barrymore. I'm a sucker for Romantic Comedies. But then I started thinking that the woman is gone. I get to finally see all the testosterone-anti-chick-flicks-of-the-year.

Okay, I didn't find any action flicks, but I wound up trading in "Home Fries" for "Rounders". That and a value meal from MickeyD's.

It was quite the weekend.

I received one interesting comment from the web page this weekend in reference to the cam. I believe its from Elizabeth herself:

On Sun Apr 11 21:36:24 1999,
The following information was submitted:
Host: spider-tr021.proxy.aol.com
name =
comment = I saw you eating in BED! I'm gonna kill you when I get home Peter!


Cliffhanger for the day-Elizabeth and I had been talking. We have been thinking about this for a while and it just may happen. The topic of discussion revolved around the 'M' word. Stay tuned...

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