H o m e . A r c h i v e s . U p d a t e s . E x i t


I have been here, Rochester, for many years; since 84 to be exact. I was 17 years old. I moved up here from Brooklyn to go to school. I graduated in 90. I learned about dating. Joined up into the workforce. A lot of stuff happened in between too, but that is the basic gist of it. Overall, I grew up. The uncanny thing is that Rochester always felt temporary. Soon, I was to return home; a post college thing. I'm 32 years old now. I have been up here for almost half my life.

As insignificant as a place like Rochester sounds like in comparison to New York City, to some degree, I have to admit that it counted. It has, and the events that has happened to me here, has a part in the making of me. Alike New York City, Rochester is now also in my blood.

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