H o m e . A r c h i v e s . U p d a t e s . E x i t


     "She pauses for a second and attempts to yell over the static, "Hon, this static is bad. I should get going."
     "Okay," I yell back.
     "Bye hon. Love you."
     My voice returns to normal levels, "Love you too."
     "What?" she asks.
     I raise my voice slightly hopefully just above the static level she hears me at, "Love you too."
     Raising my voice slightly higher, "Ditto."
     "What? It's really bad. I can't hear anything. What was that?"
     Raising my voice even higher, "I said I love you."
     "Oh," confirming that she heard me, let out a slight chuckle and hung up.

A few coworkers smiled and gave me funny looks after that. Point well taken. I called the phone company immediately.

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