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04.14.98  After looking at our finances for the month, Liz and I decided to pick up on puppy shopping again.  I have been glancing through the local paper here in Rochester for the passed couple of weeks, the Democrat and Chronicle (Yes, they have a web site), and finally, an ad appeared under the pet section for the dog we wanted:

Lhasa Apso – 7 wks old pups.
Male & females. AKC. Shots.

I made the call and realized that they were in Auburn, NY.  Not really knowing where Auburn was, I got directions.  Well, soon enough, we were in the car headed for a Lhasa Apso previewing.  <FYI> Auburn is about an hour and a half away from Rochester.  And, it’s a nice drive.

We drove up to this house that overlooked one of the Finger Lakes.  I think it was Keuka Lake, but do not quote me on that, and WOW was it a sight.  Excited and nervous that we were, Liz and I cautiously walked up to the entrance, rung the bell, greeted by Ms. Breeder, and entered the house.  No, that was not her real name – I do not have a great memory for name recollection.  We made small talk for a few moments and she asked us which sex we were looking for.  We asked for a male puppy.  She walked out of the house for a few minutes and returned with two puppies in one hand and a full-grown Lhasa Apso in the other.  The full-grown dog was introduced as the mother.  Not really knowing too much about dogs, all I really did was pet a few times and mentioned, ‘Nice doggy’.   Both Liz and Ms. Breeder grew motionless and looked at me.  A second later, they continued back to their conversation.

The two puppies were almost identical.  Obviously, they were brothers -- both very small enough to fit over one hand, dirty brown-ish hair, dark eyes, and medium to long hair.  They resembled teddy bears.  There was a thinner one and a pudgier one.

We conversed more and time flew by.  We were nearly there an hour and we decided on one of the two male pups – the pudgier one.  Ms. Breeder bathed the new pup for us as we watched.  Included with the purchase of the puppy were a free half-hour training video, a bag of premium puppy food, a training leash, and a puppy toy.  <Nice> On the way home, we stopped at the Walmart in Auburn to pick up a crate for fifteen bucks. <Nice> And, of course, on the way home, we decided on the name.  Actually, I let Liz decide on the name.  I have always wanted a dog, but never really thought about the name.  She always thought that if one day she were to have a dog, it would be called Beejing.  So, guess what?  The puppy’s name is now Beejing.  Sometimes, I just call him Beej.

So we have this cute little thing in the house now.  And everything is fun and games right?  Of course not. And I kind of knew that too, but not really.  For the remainder of the week, Liz and I chased around little Beejing with our little-to-know-about-dog-training-attitudes.  There is constant activity regarding the canine; pick up after, baby-sitting, blocking off rooms, feeding, attempted walkings, and cleaning up messes.  I think that all activities for the passed few days was based on Beejing’s bowel movements.  I have been looking on the web for training tips, and came across a couple of sites, my favorite being the Waltham one.  So, if anyone has any tips, please email me.  Thanx ?  Believe me, it can really be frustrating at times.  And also of course, it can get rather joyful at times too.  One of the most relaxing times I have had all week was zoning out on the couch for about fifteen minutes while he lay on my chest sleeping; cute little fur ball.

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