H o m e . A r c h i v e s . C a m . U p d a t e s


It just occurred to me that I have been updating this site for a couple of years now. Believe it or not, when I started, I thought I was the only one doing something like this. Unbeknownst to me, there is a whole genre of sites like this, called "Online Journals". These types of sites are my favorite when surfing. The links that I have listed below are just a few of them. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

karawynn.net -- (The Rest of Me / Karawynn) -- An online journal and an assortment of writings from this talented Science Fiction writer.  Her online journal was the first that I noticed that someone else was doing this.  My reaction was simply, "Hey copycat!...Hey waitaminute...She's goooood."  A free subscription to her mailing list will open the door of her online journal (Nine Lives).

digitalism.com/rhudson/kzoo/kzoo.html -- (Kalamazoo Days / Rob Rummel-Hudson) -- A candid humourous online journal about a Texan who now resides in Kalamazoo, Michigan.  He used to have another online journal that I tried to follow, but I got upset because he wasn't updating it.  Then, I found another link one day which led to his this new site of his.

sicksadworld.com -- (Sick Sad World / Faith) -- I stumbled upon her site after she was awarded "Cool Site of the Day" and have been following it ever since.  She is actually an AOL member and I caught her online a couple of times.  A very geniune friendly person and her journal notes plenty of excellent adventures.  She has added a link to this site, and traffic has been uplifted ever since.  Cheers! Cheers! Cheers! yeah Faith! :-)

metajournals.com -- An e-zine site about online journals.  I actually do some web work for this site, so I'm going to plug it.

geocities.com/Yosemite/7080/riders.html -- (Riders / Jose) -- This is my friend Jose's site.  It is journal-ish.   He has had many adventures regarding snowboarding and other extreme sports.   He used to live in Rochester and we worked together while at Xerox.  He now lives in Denver, Colorado and works for Cyborg.  I miss those days when I used to wander into his cube to chat and steal his kiwis.

baddgrrl.com -- (BaddGrrl's Domain / Lorraine Chew) -- She is infamous for her cams--one cam in her home, two cams at work. She has been featured in a few publications such as Rolling Stone, SF Examiner, and television. And fortunately, describes explicitly how to set up your own cam. Yeah, I borrowed the idea from here.