Enough about me... let's talk more about me

7.9.02 I'm back ...

“At first I was afraid, I was petrified.
Kept thinkin' I could never live without you by my side;
But then I spent so many nights thinkin' how you did me wrong
And I grew strong, I learned how to get along
And so you're back, from outer space
I just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face
I should have changed that stupid lock…” – Gloria Gaynor

I know. I don't write. I don't call. I'm so bad. I know. I really don't have any good excuses, none that I can even try to explain (I really couldn't find the words and believe me, you may be bored just trying to listen).

So, here we are. In the middle of the following year and life is .. well, life is still life. Some stuff has changed, some stuff hasn't. Elizabeth is good. The family is good. Work is good. More later on these, of course.

Firstly, the website has been freshly dusted off and redesigned. I tried going for a new look. I think I got a neo-blue thing going. It seems that lately, on the web, blue is the *new black*. I figured I better try something to get it out of the 90s and into the new millennium.

Here’s some techie info—before, when I used to make entry updates. I had to first write the entry, then create the new html page itself, update the archives page to include the last current entry, and finally update the front page to point to the new entry. It wasn’t really tough to do, but cumulatively, it started to get to be a burden time. So … I’ve updated to use a web content management system. It now helps me automate much of this. Of course, it only took me about a hundred hours or so to set it up, but now that it is … watch out! It’s like winding up a rubber band enough on those toy balsa wood planes. Ah ... you get it. If you want to check things out for yourself, point your browser to OutrageousThoughts.com

Anyhow, with this new millennium design, finally, I think it should carry us through for a little while. I’m planning to make some more updates to the site. Possibly a photo log, etc.., But it needs a little more work, we’ll see. Overall, things should be intact. Let me check.

Be back soon .. no really, I will.


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...One thing is that no matter how old I am, I probably will not like being called sir or mister, for they have always seemed too far out of reach...




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